Thursday, October 3, 2013

Comfort and Dignity

Yesterday I met a hospice nurse team coordinator. She does not usually sit bedside with the patient and family but she has and would again if she lost her current job. Every death is unique and many can be given comfort and dignity.

She lost a brother a year ago. And it was only the day before I met her that she went and picked up his final belongings. There was nothing there of personal value. It’s all going to Goodwill. It was still very difficult. Making the trip. Going in the house.

And I lost a brother a year ago. So we talked about death, dying, religion and spirituality. We covered the cultural taboo and denial of death. And neither one of us cried.

I recommended Falling Upward by Richard Rohr. She made a note of it and thanked me.

On the upside she has a two week old granddaughter and has taken this week off to be with her daughter. How lovely. Life goes on.

And, so today her car is done in the body shop. I pick her up. We are glad to have met one another. She’s already ordered the book from the library. It’s in Bay View. She’s in Bay View. She hopes to get the call. She says she's ready for a new idea that will help her move on.

“Normally,” she says, “I’m not this chatty. You’re easy to talk to.”

Well, I think to myself, I practice.

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