Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Art, Science, Yoga

Art, Science, Yoga

Tuesday I met Matt from Fernwood Montessori. Basically he teaches science, but more about systems and sustainability. He’s working on food systems now. We talked about the program and I offered up what little I know about it. My wife was looking into teaching Spanish there and we read up on it. His sister was in a very good school as a young student and he was not. He noticed the difference and that moved him to teaching.

They have a partner school in Japan and it amazes him how similar our two cultures actually are. We did touch on the reactor at Fukushima particularly as it relates to sustainability.

He does get to bring in experts and take the kids to some fascinating places. I asked him if he thought I could get a pass into his classes. He laughed just the right way. There’s a guy I’d like to talk to again.

Once again I met Mr. Bhatt from India. I asked him what was new and exciting since we met a year ago. He couldn’t think of anything. I asked again in another way. Ah, well, he’s in charge of deploying a new SAP something ERP Software System at Johnson Controls. I wish I could take notes in the van.

And gingerly I wondered, even in all the varied cultures in India, if people learn to meditate at a young age. He did not answer that but did say the Baba Ramdev is a successful and revered man that teaches yoga. He has many schools in India, a new one in the UK and coming soon to America.
Many of us here see yoga as simply moving the body. There is more. Ramdev apparently went to an international cancer hospital in Houston and impressed the socks off the doctors. That’s not exactly what he said but that’s exactly what I’m telling you.

I also met my first working artist yesterday and I forgot to congratulate him on that. I usually welcome people aboard and shake their hand. He and his wife moved from Chicago. He’d been an art handler for museums and galleries and Milwaukee doesn’t support that level of activity. Happily, his wife makes enough that he can pursue his art full time.

We talked about balancing the creative life with the mundane aspects of running a business. He does have an agent that books showings but he still does his own accounting, website and such.

And, it was his birthday that day. Bob Jones, Artist.

Finally I am looking for a position whereby I can weave these stories into the marketing department and marry these faces to a dealer and brand. There are wonderful people buying and servicing their cars and I get the pleasure of finding out a little bit about them in a non-sales sort of way.

I was hired for a job and have turned it into so much more, at least for me.
One of my jokes lately goes like this. “This is the kind of job I’d do for free ... and if you saw my pay stub you’d see how close I am.” We all laugh.

Laughing is good.


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